What you create does NOT have to be perfect!
Here’s why… Nothing is perfect in real life! Have you ever looked at the leaves on a tree for example? No two are exactly the same. They all have imperfections, but they are beautiful!
I used to work with a lot of left brained people who dealt with facts and figures all day. I used to hold Painting Parties and a lot of them turned out. Most of them said they weren't creative. These were the people who created magnificent buildings all over North America! They created all the time!
It is crazy the stories we tell ourselves!
We aren’t talented.
The results are something we should hide away.
I’m not good enough.
I have to be an artist or painter, or musician, or dancer…
Being creative has no value.
Sadly, the stories are enough to stop us in our tracks. I call BS!
When my business first started, I was in a local summer market. I sold candy with wrappers that included fabulous quotes inside. In order to sell the candies, I had to have containers, right? So, I began to hand paint mugs. My friends and family were scared, I think. They knew I wasn’t an artist in the traditional sense. Okay, I was a little nervous too, but one day, as I tried to paint leaves, I looked at a plant and realized that not one of the leaves was perfect. That was my ticket to creative freedom!
Wow, if nature doesn’t have to be perfect, why do I think I have to be. I started doodling one day, and decided to create a stick drawing. I recently purchased watercolour pencil crayons, and was dying to try them out. I cannot believe how much fun it was and still is – I was totally relaxed, and as I drew happy people, I felt my own mood shift. So, the question then became, what can I do with these stick drawings?
My love for quotes came to mind, and the fact that I am on a journey to not only acknowledge my creativity, but to LOVE IT! So, this is my first stick drawing/ quote combination. Hope you like it. I now have an iPad and Procreate! Love them! Procreate is easy to learn, and so many people have created wonderful brushes that you can use to create whatever you love to draw.
I draw for my throw blankets and greeting cards and combine them with my favourite quotes. Love drawing hearts and flowers...
Try doodling. You never know where it might lead. My guess is that it will lead to relaxation...
Let me know how it goes.
Deborah MacDougall
Say it With Words