Sometimes you have no idea the true feeling of the person you are giving a gift to. After ten years creating blankets of comfort, friendship, love, gratitude, there is no way I could actually predict the reaction of the person receiving it.
This is the first story I will share about the impact your words, images, memories and handwritten notes can have on someone you care so much about. The stories will hopefully help you when you are are not sure how to express your feelings to someone special in your life.
My customers and friends suggested I share these stories -- I wasn't sure at first, but I think they are important, and I am ensuring my customers' privacy at all times.
A hug for someone in a hospice:
One of my customers reached out and asked how quickly I could create a blanket for someone in a hospice that is not expected to live very long. I created the blanket, she approved the design, and I couriered it the next day.
She later told me that the blanket was received in time and relayed their story. Their friend's wife read him the words, and covered him in the blanket and he said "Awww." He passed away that day, and his wife took the blanket home, wrapped herself up in it and cried.
It turned out to provide comfort in an unexpected way, but it accomplished so much. He received it and understood what he meant to my customer, and his wife now has a keepsake that she can wrap in for comfort when she needs it the most.
The words chosen were simple - "Think of this blanket as a hug from us to you." A simple message personalized with their names.
Not sure what to say? I can help with that. We have lots of examples on our website, and would be happy to help you include the perfect words for you. It may be a shared memory, a shared photo, a handwritten note... anything is possible!
I have cried designing these blankets; especially those that are created to provide comfort to someone who has lost their child, loved one, or pet BUT I am so grateful for the honour of creating and sharing these gifts.
Deborah MacDougall
Say it With Words