Say it With Words' Blog

This blog is all about Say it With Words; our store, our customers and their stories.

Bennett's grandmother, Laurene, called me one day and told me the news.  Of course she felt helpless and yet came up with a way to encourage her grandson to believe in his own superpowers and to fight with everything he has!


Bennett’s superheros are Spiderman, Batman & Transformers, and were very important to him. Laurene knew that if she could make Bennett believe that he also has super powers, he would have a fighting chance against this disease! That was Laurene’s…

The most awesome, unique way to ask someone to marry you!!

This blanket was such fun to create and be a part of!  This blanket was a very special marriage proposal from someone to his girlfriend!  His words are amazing, and she will treasure this proposal for years to come!

We can get so caught up in the moment someone proposes that we forget the words, but with this special proposal, you will have the memory forever!

This is what he wrote (rewritten slightly to…

There have been so many blankets created for Moms and Dads that had their babies born still.  I can't imagine the pain of carrying a baby, already loving the baby, all the hopes and dreams, and then losing them at birth.

The blanket that comes to mind every time I hear about a baby born still, is the one for Max's Mom.  The customer added a photo to be printed small in the upper right corner of the blanket, with the words "…

Sometimes you have no idea the true feeling of the person you are giving a gift to.  After ten years creating blankets of comfort, friendship, love, gratitude, there is no way I could actually predict the reaction of the person receiving it.

This is the first story I will share about the impact your words, images, memories and handwritten notes can have on someone you care so much about.  The stories will hopefully help you when you are are not sure how to express your feelings to…